Wednesday, February 26, 2025

New Layout Has Been Commissioned

 Welcome everyone!

Today, I have a quick update on my upcoming book for you. I have officially hired a layout artist to begin putting together the interior of my book! Negotiating with the artist took longer than expected. I spent all of last week exchanging emails and sorting out the details. I didn’t think this would be very complicated (I have produced three other books, afterfall), but I guess it was! He need all sorts of details I hadn’t thought about. Ah well, my manuscript is submitted now, and I should have it back in about a week or so.

Submitting a manuscript to a layout artist still makes me nervous. I’m sure you would think that on the fourth book, I would be used to it by now. I’m not. When you submit a book like that, you are making the decision to forego any further changes to the text. It’s like crossing a threshold from which, there is no return.

Nevertheless, I will press on! After the layout is finished, I will be ablet to commission a cover. It is important to have the layout finished first since the cover artist needs to know how thick to make the spine. When it came to the Huntsman and the Heretic, I did the cover first and just estimated the pages. That decision caused a few problems with the dust jacket of the hardback on the first print run. I had to work closely with the printer to correct the problem. So this time, I learned my lesson.

I’ll be back soon with more updates and a surprise reveal concerning my new book. I’m not sure how everyone will react to it, but I am immensely excited to talk about it!



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