Friday, May 29, 2020

Goals for the Weekend 2020-05-29

Welcome everyone!

So at the moment, weekends aren't all that much different for me than weekdays. However, I still like to change things up so I don't get stuck in the doldrums. So this weekend, I have some plans. Here they are:

  • Enjoy the beautiful weather we're forecasted to have
  • Resume work on Book 2 audio book
  • Sketch artwork for Book 3
If I can do all that, I'll have a productive weekend. I hope you do too.



Thursday, May 28, 2020

Book 3, Chapter 1 - Revised

Welcome everyone!

Yesterday, I completed my revisions of chapter 1. That's a big step toward completion, but I don't want to overstate its importance. I'll explain.

One of the best pieces of writing advice I ever got was, "Write what you want to read." One of the things I don't really care for in novels is really long first chapters. When I examine a book and Chapter 1 is 10 pages longer than any other chapter, I just put it back on the shelf.

To hold my interest, an author has to grab my attention right off, introduce the conflict, major characters, and emotional hook ASAP. My first book, I believe, does this very well. In the paperback, it's just 10 pages long.

So, now that I've finished revising chapter one of Book 3, I can feel accomplished BUT it's not all that big of a deal. The first chapter is short. The second one isn't all that long either (again, that's my reading preference). However, all steps - big or small - get me to where I'm going, and I am super excited to be where I am.

And now, for some potential mild spoilers.


You might be wondering what issues I faced in revising that chapter. Well, Tristan is going to be a bit older than when we left him at the end of The Huntsman and the Vampire. Nearly a year, I think. He's got to show more maturity.

One thing that shows a lack of maturity in writing (but not in real life) is asking a lot of questions. Tristan had far too many in the opening pages. He needs to speak in statements, not queries. So, I had a lot of those types of things to fix.

Other than that, though, I am thrilled with the first chapter. I have a touching emotional moment, a mystery, and it finishes with a bang. There isn't much more I could want out of an introductory chapter.

Today, I'm on to revising Chapter 2, and maybe 3 as well. Wish me luck! I can't wait to tell you more.



Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Pic of Book 3 First Draft!

Welcome everyone!

It was so good to see how many of you visited my site yesterday when I made my brief post. I was shocked and delighted by the number of reads that entry had. Thank you so much for sticking with me, even though I had a long layoff.

Well, all that said, I was able to keep my commitment. Book 3 is now completely drafted and ready for revisions! As proof of life that this thing exists, here you go. A printed copy:

I like having a print copy to read and mark up. It makes the process more real, I guess. It's also a landmark - tangible proof that I passed this particular test. I have printed drafts of The Huntsman and the She-Wolf and The Huntsman and the Vampire still stacked neatly in my closet. Maybe someday I'll show a pic of all three drafts at once.

Anyway, I have a lot left to do in order to get it published. It's a massive process, and I'll be taking you with me as I traverse it. So, here's the near-term plan of action:

  • First Revision
  • Round 1 of Beta-Reading
  • Second Revision
  • Round 2 of Beta Reading
  • Third Revision
  • Editing
  • Fourth Revision
  • Proofreading
  • Fifth Revision
We'll see what the book needs after that. For now, I'll be diving right in to fixing Chapter 1. I'll update you on how it goes and also in the near future about book sales data from the last two months.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you are safe and well. Take care of each other.



Tuesday, May 26, 2020

That Was a Nice Long Break!

Welcome everyone,

I am nearing the end of the journey on drafting Book 3. I should have it done by TOMORROW!!! So, if that happens (and it should), I'll be back with more details then. Expect more to come, and I'm glad to be back with all of you.

