Wednesday, September 4, 2019

First Step Toward a Tangible Goal

Welcome everyone!

Last night I recorded the first chapter for the audio book for Book 2! I really wanted to begin the process back in August, but work was just too busy and I was just too tired.

However, last night, I was able to get some time to myself and get the recording done! It went very smoothly, much more smoothly than chapter one of The Huntsman and the She-Wolf. I'm pretty happy about that.

I'd like to get one chapter done a night. I doubt I'll be able to keep that schedule, but it's a goal anyway.

I'm very excited to be recording again. I truly think that Book 2 will be superior to Book 1 in every way. I can't wait for you to get your first peeks at it. During teaser season, I may even post the first audio chapter of Book 2 up for free. What would you think of that?

It's also a good time to mention the Drive to 25 Campaign.

We're trying to get to 25 copies of the Book 1 audio book sold by November. Currently, we're at 19. Please help by sharing these blog posts or sharing links to my audio book.

You can find it in the following locals:
And if you want to start an Audible account, you can get my audio book for free by signing up HERE.



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